Website Privacy Policy

8b Dudley Street


, Dudley


01384 986160  

We collect data through our website for people looking to apply for job roles, register with our agency for work or people in businesses who are looking to recruit and are looking for support.

Any data not collected from our website would have either been shared with us by the person themselves, accessed via the open internet (accessible information that that person has put on the website) or job board databases where a candidate has given permission for their CV and data to be shared with recruiters.  

What we do with people’s information?

We will add the data to our CRM system so we can engage / contact them whether its relevant to recruitment for a job or prospecting for new business

Who we share your data with ?

We do not share any data outside of our internal workforce unless the candidate / client has been engaged and has given us exclusive permission to do so.

How long do we hold the information for ?

Data registered to our CRM system will be kept until the person has contacted us to declare they no longer wish for us to do so.